Geek Fitness: Health Hacks - Running and Weight Loss for Nerds and Geeks

Geek Fitness: Health Hacks - Running and Weight Loss for Nerds and Geeks

S1E23 - #runstreak day 14 - Two Weeks of Awesomesauce

November 01, 2016

The #runstreak has lasted 2 weeks. 14 days! Wahoo! I could not have done it without y'all. I want you to know that. You're awesome. For realsies. It's also the first official day of my self/unemployment! I'm scared but excited! Eeeeee!  Halloween was also full of awesomesauce. We had tons of trick-or-treaters, and they got scared at my wife's Haunted Pathway leading up to the house. I wish you folks could understand how much she adores scaring those small children. It's just delightful. I do think I am going to be getting my FitDesk out again within the next couple of days, or at least within the next week. I am ready to start moving around way more, and that's a great way to do it. I can put my laptop on the desk and work while pedaling away.  I eventually want to get a treadmill desk, but the FitDesk is a fantastic alternative that costs a heck of a lot less.  And, ya know, guys, I'm in a fantastic mood. I want you to know how much of that is from you. I've had so many people talk to me lately, root me on, ask advice, and just discuss their own mental health and struggles that I feel such a sense of camaraderie with y'all. It's really making my life better. My mood has elevated so much lately since I started running and podcasting more, and I know that a lot of what's kept me doing it is the response from all of you.  This time of year it's hard to stay positive. The time changes soon, it gets dark so quickly, and a lot of us are affected adversely by the lack of sunlight, whether we know it or not. Additionally, this year has the US elections going on. There's so much negativity around that it's almost overbearing.  I take that back. It is overbearing. So it's really important to surround yourself with positivity. To surround yourself with awesome. Not only people, but things, activities, and thoughts. Remember, we only get to do this once. We need to make the best of it. Between quitting my job, running, and podcasting every day and getting to talk to you, I feel as though I'm doing that. I feel positive. Because I'm choosing to be positive. I want to be in a good mood.  I don't like complaining. I don't like being negative. I don't like being unnecessarily critical. I like being happy. So I'm working on making sure that everything in my life makes me happy. It takes a concerted effort, and you're not going to be happy immediately, but as long as that's your goal, you can do it. You can have moments of happy. You can have seconds where things aren't so bad. And those seconds can turn to minutes, and you can just get to a good place before you know it. That's very important. Sure, we're gonna have bad days, but if you try, I am pretty sure you can sqeeze a few good ones in there, too. If you need some help with that, just holler at me. I'm here email me at or remember that I'm @geektogeekcast on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. That'll do it for today, fitgeeks. Talk at ya tomorrow!