Geek Fitness: Health Hacks - Running and Weight Loss for Nerds and Geeks

Geek Fitness: Health Hacks - Running and Weight Loss for Nerds and Geeks

S1E15 - #runstreak day 5: Food, Running Shoes, and Monkey Feet

October 22, 2016

Day 4! Woo! I only ran a mile today, but I did it faster than I did yet: 8:54. I look forward to when my typical mile time gets down to the 7:50-8min mark again. That's always a good boost to my confidence. I ate myself a pretty good sweet potato today topped with chicken stew, which doesn't make up for the 3 slices of pizza, two slices of cake, and garlic knot I ate last night while watching the Hamilton documentary on PBS, but I'm not going to beat myself up for it. I need food to run, and I feel fantastic. My main goal is keeping myself active and able to run, so I'm not gonna beat myself up for it. Besides, it was delicious. Nummy and delicious. Pizza is so good. Did you know that? Mmmmm... Also, today I ran in my pair of Altra Olympus again. My knee/calf didn't hurt like they did yesterday in my Asics Nimbus 17s. I think this means I'm an Altra guy now despite the past 5ish years being dedicated to Asics. Honestly, what I think is doing it is the 0mm drop in Altra. They mimic the form of running barefoot (or wearing something like the Vibram Five-fingers), but have cushioning like typical running shoes. They're awesome. I ran in Asics before because I struck the ground with my heel, and their 10-12mm drop helped even out my gait. But when I started changing my form and hitting the ground with my midfoot, I got a stress fracture from the angle the Asics made my feet hit the ground. So we'll see if that keeps up. I may end up selling my Asics on ebay because they only have about 30 miles on them (since I haven't been running much at all this year), and there's no reason to keep them if they hurt me. All that said, this runstreak is doing me great. It's lovely, and I feel fantastic. I am so glad I took on this project. I know it's doing me a world of good. How about y'all? How is the runstreak going for you?