The Geeked Life

The Geeked Life

Episode 22: Interview: Jaym Gates

August 18, 2016

 An Interview with Jaym Gates
Jaym Gates an an accomplished editor, writer, promoter, publicist, and PR guru. Her talents and work ethic proceed her, so much so that many writers in the Science Fiction community look to her to give their latest pieces a once over. She is the PR Officer for the Science Fiction Writers of America. Jaym is also a staple at conventions; She is usually sitting at the big table on numerous panels, or participating in impromptu gatherings outside of convention campuses. She enjoys writing stories of mystical reality, and Special Operation Warfare genres (often mixing the two), as well as how she describes, "weird" subjects.

Jaym and I cover many topics, including how to navigate busy Cons, the life of a person using ADHD to their advantage rather than a disability, and the need for legendary stories in comics to shift into today's society. Come, and listen in as I chat with Jaym Gates, Professional Plate Spinner, Wrangler of Writers.


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