Intentional Journey

Intentional Journey

Latest Episodes

042: Mauricio in Cuba
May 29, 2016

During a recent trip to Cuba, I recorded this interview with Mauricio, a young man who wants to be a positive influence in the future of his nation. As a graphic...

041: Changing Your Mindset
April 15, 2016

A lovely chat about relationships, theology, the universe, kids, mistakes, regrets, struggles, personal worth, turning a life around, finding positivity and purpose.  Laura Thompson is a wife, mother, and owner of small businesses.

040: Pushing Through Pain
March 14, 2016

What do you do when you’re hurting? Do you self medicate? Try to ignore it? Talk to someone? Fall apart? We all experience all kinds of pain througout our lives. In this episode, personal developer Jack Woloshun sits down again with Dr.

039: Get Past Stuck
February 15, 2016

An interview with Mark Tuggle, author of the new book, Get Past Stuck: How to Take Control of Your Spiritual Journey and Experience Full Life in Christ. This podcast is for anyone who not only feels stuck, but also anyone who is questioning beliefs the...

038: The Art of Breathing pt 2
October 19, 2015

This is part 2 of an interview with Dr. Frank Seaman about techniques you can implement to improve your energy and health. He talks about using tape on your mouth while exercising and sleeping, being aware of how you swallow and where you place your to...

037: The Art of Breathing pt 1
October 06, 2015

Guest Dr. Frank Seaman shares his pioneering work into the importance of breathing on dental and overall health. He deals with problems like sleep disorders, snoring, dry mouth, and overall breakdown of the mouth. Whether you're a runner,

036: Get Control Of Your Emotions
September 20, 2015

Security expert Terry Blevins shares techniques for controlling your emotions in volatile situations and stressed relationships. Recommended Resources: Humble: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling Inquiry by Edgar H.

035: Finishing Well
September 06, 2015

A powerful story of love, end of life issues, dealing with aging parents, doing the right thing, taking risks, perspectives, letting go and finishing well. Jack and Stacia Woloshun talk about walking through the final year with Sally Woloshun,

034: Life Stages & States
August 22, 2015

Jeannette Slater & Dr. Deb discuss personal growth in light of what some have identified as life stages & states. The conversation was somewhat sparked by a brief article published by Father Richard Rohr on May 3, 2015. -

033: Boundless
August 08, 2015

Bryan Bishop has been writing stories for many years but is new to the book scene. After conducting interviews and doing research around the world for almost 20 years, he has just released his first book, Boundless: What Global Expressions of Faith Tea...