Great Black Heroes PodcastGreat Black Heroes

Great Black Heroes PodcastGreat Black Heroes

004 Great Black Heroes - Doris Miller

January 29, 2013

This podcast focuses on World War II hero Doris Miller.

The story of Doris Miller has been glamorized in motion pictures, but few know the real story of the Black cook who became a hero during the attack on Pearl Harbor and whose life is forever etched in stone because of his actions during a  moment of crisis.

During the chaos during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Doris Miller helped to drag several of his fellow soldiers to safety before running to a Browning .50 caliber anti-aircraft machine gun, and despite never having been trained to use one, began firing at diving Japanese plans. He was later awarded the Navy Cross, the Navy’s highest honor and was portrayed in several motion pictures.

Take a look at our Doris Miller profile.


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