GATE 1111 A Transformative Podcast

GATE 1111 A Transformative Podcast

Master The Skills Of Thinking Correctly

February 18, 2019

The one thing that will change your current situation in life whether it be your relationships, your job, even your finances is what you THINK about them.
The way to change your life long term is to change the way you think about it. If your glass its half empty then it will always be lacking. If your glass is half full then you know change can happen. 
The problem with most of our current situations is we get not what we desire but what we have to have. We get what we have to have for the mer purpose of survival. 
Get away from the poverty thinking of I don’t have enough and start believing that your source is never ending. We need to learn how to receive from God. Stop living beneath your privilege and start receiving what your heart desires. You are worthy you are intelligent you are a kind, and a generous beautiful being. 
What we are looking for and what we are talking about and what we need is self discipline. Just as Self discipline infers, it comes from you. It comes from within you. Self discipline comes when you make a decision to be more, to be better, to do more.
When you make now choices you get now results. When you no longer are willing to tolerate the status quo,  that is when true change happens.
We know one thing about high achievers. They all have Desires and Goals. Without these desires and goals you are like a ship without a rudder. You are directionless. That  is why you have heard me say make your intentions known with your desires. You have to know what you really want. When you are all over the map with your desires and goals you will get no where. 
People without Goals and Desires get used by people who have Goals and desires.
People without goals and desires work for the people who have set their intentions.
Think of an athlete who has a sound workout regimen. This athlete does what he knows that will give him the results he needs to be successful.
Quality Thinking
It’s the quality of your thinking that energizes your Desires. You have to practice quality thinking daily and even hourly to get successful results. This is like the athlete who shows up for practice everyday.

Quality Thinking 

Positive Thinking

Positive Energy Flow

Tuned In To The Correct Frequency

Quality Thinking is,  I AM Enough. I can have what so ever I say I can have. Quality Thinking is I can Do what ever I say I can do. Quality Thinking is I am worthy to receive my desires.
As this starts to settle in and you begin to grasp what I am saying you will begin to get a rise in your spirit down in your gut. Down in you innermost being the place where you connect with source energy, where you connect with God, where you connect with higher power when this happens you truly will become limitless. 
Everyone has a should list. I should loose wait, I should do better, I should , I should. With Right Thinking your shoulds become I will, I am , I can. I do.
When you begin having positive thoughts rise from your innermost being where you connect with God at you become all powerful. 
Success will come with your commitment to Positive Thinking. With this new way of thinking the real you is revealed. You will begin to talk your passion. You will begin to live your passion. What others think of you will no longer have a hold on you.
Forget The Past
Let go of the old way of life and embrace this new way of living. The old things can no longer have a hold on you. It takes courage, you have to have faith to let go and look forward and know that everything is working out for your best interest.
Know that if things in your past are living in your head then they are living or manifested in your life in this moment.
If you want your latter years to be greater than you former years then you have to let go of all the old belief systems...