GATE 1111 A Transformative Podcast

GATE 1111 A Transformative Podcast

7 Attributes of The Law Of Attraction

January 21, 2019

7 Attributes of The Law Of Attraction
These 7 attributes will help you manifest your Desires much easier.

* Manifestation: the things you constantly focus on the most is what will manifest in your life. The mind is a powerful tool the more positive things you focus on, the more positive things you will get in your life.
* Magnetism: you are the magnet that has attracted everything in your life wether you realize it or not. The energy that you put out is the energy tat comes back to you. The more positive the energy the higher the frequency.
* Desire: make your intentions clear about the desires you have. Have no bought with your intentions. Always think positive about your desires and focus on achieving your goals.
* Balance: Balance yourself with the universe by enjoying and appreciating what you have now. Avoid becoming desperate, anxious or obsessed. You can think about the future, set intentions for the future. However the path of least resistance is in the moment and being happy in the now.
* Harmony: Everything is connected to each other. When you align yourself with the universe you tap into the real power of manifesting.
* Action: Doing the right thing. You have countless opportunities in your every day life to bring positive energies to yourself. How you treat others and the world around you has a huge impact on what is brought into your life.
* Universal Influence: Our lives are like a ripple effect, our energy affects everyone around us. You don’t even need to know the people around you to have an impact on their lives.

These podcast have been designed to help you change you thinking habits. Change your thoughts and you change your world. Become the change you wish to see in life.
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