The Gass House

The Gass House

The Gass Pipe

January 29, 2014

I know I've only released one episode so far, but I have hit the ground running with the show and its development. So, I just want to let you guys know what's in store for The Gass House.


I'm currently in the process of designing the content for the show's mobile app. It will be available on all the major platforms like iOS, Android, and Windows Phone 8. The app will cost $1.99 and will have a lot of exclusive content that you won't get through the blog or the podcast feed. I'm working on extra audio content, photos, wallpaper, etc..

The Podcast

The Gass House is now availble in MiroiTunes, Stitcher, and the Blackberry podcast app. 

The Next Episode

For the next episode of The Gass House, I'll be talking with the Incredible Buyer Brown. Buyer is a fellow podcaster, SciFi fanatic, and founder of The Scanner Drome. Buyer co-hosts a show with me called 2 Mugs and a Movie and he has some pretty cool stories to share with us. 

Follow Me

Be sure to follow me on twitterfacebook, and google+ for a lot more content and to simply get to know me a little more and what I'm into.