The 2016 ASWIFTT Literary Visual & Performing Arts AWARDS

January 30, 2016

Join ASWIFTT RADIO Host, Brenda Johnson Padgitt along with her co-hosts Glenda Fields and Eunice Bridges on January 30, 2016 at 5 pm CST, 6 pm EST, and 3 pm PST, as they host The 2016 ASWIFTT Literary, Visual & Performing Arts Awards.  This will be ASWIFTT’s 2nd annual awards ceremony for ASWIFTT Writer’s Guild members and ASWIFTT PUBLISHING, LLC authors.

The awards recognition platform seeks to recognize and appreciate its members for their works, publications, community involvement and contributions in the Literary, Visual, & Performing Arts.  ASWIFTT Award categories range from Education, Global Outreach,Transitional Figure & More.

Winners will have the opportunity to call in to give a 2 minute acceptance speech. They will also receive their awards and prizes in the mail.

ASWIFTT is for the author, artist, playwright, movie producer, director, journalist, etc. who has the talent to put pen or brush to paper to create a unique & valuable piece of work. ASWIFTT is always looking for new talents to enhance the Literary, Visual & Performing Arts.

The Mission of ASWIFTT Writer’s Guild is to mentor, support & help develop guild members in their chosen craft. ASWIFTT Writer’s Guild plays a key role in helping guild members to discover & use their God given talents to impact the world.

For more information on:

The 2016 ASWIFTT Literary, Visual & Performing Arts Awards Show e-mail us at: