Jumping the Shark

Jumping the Shark

Jumping the Shark Episode 249

February 07, 2016

After more than a year away, spent sharing his basketball genius with the youth of America, the self-proclaimed straw that stirs the drink, Bill Abner, is back this week! He and Todd try not to stress out in the Darkest Dungon, Holly hopes Dark Dreams Don't Die in D4, and Brandon finds Divinity in Original Sin: Enhanced Edition for the PS4. Along the way there's also some Spelunky, Brandon's extra special ranking of Assassin's Creed games, and reflections on game industry burnout. 
Thanks for listening! (You can contact Brandon at Brandon@NoHighScores.com/@misterbinky, Todd at Todd@NoHighScores.com/@ubrakto and Holly at @winnersusedrugs.)