The GamerSushi Show

The GamerSushi Show

The GamerSushi Show, Ep 72: E3 2013

June 17, 2013

gamersushi show e3 2013

It’s the Season Finale of The GamerSushi Show! At the end of this season of the podcast, we talk about E3 2013: the press conferences, the games, and how we felt about the whole thing!

All five of us assembled like some sort of giant robot or mighty super-hero team, so it’s a pretty great cast. Unfortunately I had to duck out early thanks to work things coming up, but the guys brought it home in grand style.

So, you know the deal. Listen, rate, and eagerly await our return in September (or August, if Saint’s Row 4 has anything to say about it).

0:00 – 5:02 Intro

5:03 – 30:59 Microsoft’s press conference

31:00 – 54:21 Sony’s press conference

54:22 – 1:04:05 Nintendo’s….presence at E3

1:04:06 – 1:12:53 E3 wrap up thoughts

1:12:54 – 1:17:20 Outro

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