

GOR S2E07 – Played Out Tools

May 19, 2015

Theodore Roosevelt once said "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." I can't help but think he was talking about this very episode of Game Over! Retry? ... that hadn't been recorded yet ... because there was no internet ... or video games. GOR207, we discuss the various ways a game designer might create interesting gameplay scenarios for their players by limiting the tools and abilities available to a player at a given time. When forming this topic, we were initially referring to a specific situation where the player has unlocked certain abilities, but had the option removed from a particular mission or level. As usual, things spiralled tangentially (everyone take out your graphing calculators). Jason also discussed the frustrating vagueries of LA Noire's interrogation system, Jon discussing the frustrating inconsistencies of Killer Instinct's UI, and Harold splooshes over Splatoon. Don't try to imagine it. You won't be able to unimagine it.

Games Mentioned this Episode:

LA Noire
Killer Instinct
Hotline Miami 2
Far Cry 4
Half Life 2
Starcraft (series)
Baldur's Gate