We Wear No Pants

We Wear No Pants

Episode 171 -Steel and Option battle it out about Titanfall

February 21, 2014

Intro Segment:

Welcome to episode 171 GameBriefs, your authority on games, news, tech and gadgets.  We are from WeWearNoPants dot com, which is not a porn site, I assure you.  You can find us on our page, through Blubrry, techpodcasts, stitcher radio, fluctu8, gigadial, and Itunes!  You can also interact with us in our chat room, or via our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/GameBriefs/ With me this evening on the Skype-line from our New York studios are Bob Lahblah  and Steel Valor


Tonight, we have on tap for you a lovely, heady, hoppy brooklyn varietal with notes of

  • The Frontlines

  • In The Farting corner with Bob, rTWC/Comcast Merger

  • Noobie Toobie with Steel

  • and more!  But first, we’re gonna talk about

Titanfall, or as Option likes to call it: RODE—-OOOOO

What we like about it?

  • Option loves jumping on the Titans

  • Feels like Crackdown and Mechwarrior had a bab

What we DON’T like about it

  • Very fast paced.  No strategy, at all. It’s a run and gun (ooooooh man! Option and Steel are gonna thrown down .. and I almost said throw up, but I didn’t



The Farting Corner w/ Bob

TWC/Comcast Merger death of Net Neutrality




Throttling of Netflix – FIOS/Comcast may already be doing this http://bgr.com/2014/02/05/verizon-throttling-netflix-amazon-aws/


Wwe network online only

The Frontlines


The brilliance of the Onion strikes again. I know I have spent many a night sitting in front of the TV browsing through Netflix titles looking for a movie to watch. My wife and I will try to make the other person choose the viewing title simply because it is impossible to wade through the myriad of titles and actually come to any sort of meaningful decision. The Onion created a terrific spoof claiming that Netflix has created a new usage tier called “Browse Endlessly†for those who only want to spend hours combing through the maze that is Netflix Instant. One of the marketing testimonials claimed “The browse endlessly plan makes it so easy for my husband and I to never agree on a movie, argue about how we ruined a perfectly good night and then sit in silence,” I’m happy to see my wife and I aren’t alone. This brings me to another thought. Back in the 60’s a TV executive proposed the least objectionable programming theory which basically states that viewers don’t watch TV for television shows but watch TV as the medium and will settle on what they see as the least objectionable program. So for the sake of discussion, do you think it would be beneficial for Netflix to offer a few channels of movies that are already streaming so people don’t have to dig through countless titles and can settle on something that is already playing?




Steel: With all of the hype of Titanfall coming, isn’t it nice to know that Microsoft is taking measures to make sure your console is ready?  Despite having a new bug that was introduced in the last patch that makes your console go “dark,†Microsoft is getting ready for a March update that is supposed to allow “invite friends to game,†“recent players,†and “Party Chat by default.† Great, let the boosting lobbies begin!





Option:And finally, as you all know- we like gamers that are hardcore.  We must applaud the efforts of the 8derful, and a great wa0,000 people who have gathered on Twitch to get pokemon red/blue to accept chat commands- all at the same time.  Imagine a character being given 80,000 individual commands at one time, and you’ll see a confused sprite.  There’ll be a link in the shownotes, but this is wony to revive an old game.


First Date

(Via xkcd.com)


Noobie Toobie W/ Steel


 Finding your play style with in the FPS market

I like to camp… what is my style? I also have poor accuracy so sniping is out.

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