Faceless Men

Faceless Men

Game of Thrones 410 - The Children

June 19, 2014

The season 4 finale Game of Thrones was outstanding! The Children was worth at least FOUR Joffrey death scenes. Join the Faceless Men as we discuss the future of the Wildlings, deep fried dragon snacks, the Hound vs. the Beauty, Qyburn's monster, paths of the Stark children, and the last throne Tywin Lannister will ever see. We both agree that is the best Game of Thrones season finale yet and that Shae sucks and we're happy she's dead.

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Music: Remix Fix have graciously published their metal remix of the Game of Thrones theme song under the Creative Commons license and we appreciate their awesomeness, be sure too check them out on Soundcloud, YouTube, Twitter, & Facebook!