Faceless Men

Faceless Men

Game of Thrones 405 - First of His Name

May 07, 2014
Faceless Men – Game of Thronees Podcast

This won’t be a contender for the most exciting Game of Thrones episode for season four, but it did drop some big plot bombs highlighting the depth of Baelish. Join Jesse & Michael as they ponder the possibility of Brienne confronting Sandor, a Bolton-Baelish war, the tactics of confined spaces, and the Ghost plot hole. In addition, we compare and contrast the amplitude of Lhysa screams vs. those of Bronn’s mistress, all within this episode of the Faceless Men Podcast.

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Music: Remix Fix have graciously published their metal remix of the Game of Thrones theme song under the Creative Commons license and we appreciate their awesomeness, be sure too check them out on Soundcloud, YouTube, Twitter, & Facebook!