The G2V Podcast

The G2V Podcast

Planet 9, 1st Galaxy: The Lovecraft Legacy - PLUS Contest: Win Midnight Syndicate’s The 13th Hour!

October 23, 2013

Cthulhu looms large in the Lovecraft legacy, watched over by a ghostly apparition of the man himself!

His influence has wound its way tentacle-like into every nook and cranny of pop culture. In a vast and mysterious ocean of entertainment, his stories have inspired and influenced entire waves of film, television, comics, games, and so much more. This way may lead to madness, but Scott and Arnold devote this installment of their month-long Halloween exploration by diving deep into the legacy of the one, the only H.P. Lovecraft! And to do it right, Arnold travelled all the way from Baltimore MD to Portland OR, just in time to join Scott for a Lovecraft film festival featuring a 35mm print of Re-Animator!

We also have a special contest this episode! Midnight Syndicate has graciously provided us with a copy of one of their albums, The 13th Hour, which we’re giving away to the listener who can answer the following trivia question (also presented in the episode). E-mail, post on our Facebook page, beam your answer into our addled minds, and if you get it right, the CD will be yours!

Lovecraft’s novella, At the Mountains of Madness, was published by what pulp magazine?

A) Amazing Stories

B) Argosy All-Story Weekly

C) Weird Tales

D) Astounding Stories

E) Startling Stories

And stay tuned for the next episode, when we’ll be featuring another Midnight Syndicate album giveaway!

…but be warned, The G2V Podcast can not be held responsible if listening to this episode alters your physical form or renders you utterly insane!

As always, we welcome all feedback at or on our Facebook page!

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“Lovecraft Slowly Shedding Cult Status” (Chicago Tribune)

The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society

The H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival and CthulhuCon

The Hollywood Theatre, Portland OR


Fantasy Flight Games

Copyright Status of Works by H.P. Lovecraft (The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki)

Sigh Co. Graphics

Cthulhu Pie!