

Episode 86 – FurDU Guestapalooza Day Three

May 10, 2015

The third and final chapter of Furballd's adventures at FurDU 2015.  It's Sunday night and a sleep deprived Killick has managed to nearly lose his voice.  Luckily he has first time special guest Logan Husky to keep things moving, as well as Furballd regular Tinycat who is going for the award of most tired and worn out person at the con.  We also introduce three very special furs: Hollud, Kaiyoki and Arkthewoff, who have come all the way from Singapore (and Perth)!

Listen in as we reminisce over the last three days of FurDU 2015, discuss the furry scene in Asia, and have a live taste-test of some of the worst Asian fast food that Australia has to offer.  See you guys next con!

Bye for now, but not forever!