FTL Radio

FTL Radio

What Is Mass Effect 4 Going to Be?

February 24, 2015

We had an entire episode planned. And then, right before we were going to talk about everything, I saw a tweet about Mass Effect 4. And then it made us realize how much we missed the game.
Mass Effect 4 is in production and it is well on its way. They’re hiring for people to lead online game development–what that means, we’ve no idea. But we decided to break down where the game is right now, what the future holds for it, and all of that fun stuff.
Whether you liked the ending of Mass Effect 3–who liked it?–or not, I think we can all agree that this game really was an amazing series, BioWare did a great job sucking us in, and I hope we can all be forgiving when this next game comes out.
We also talked a little about the next Alien movie. Didn’t hear? Well then listen!