FTL Radio

FTL Radio

Should We Rick Roll Aliens?

February 12, 2015

In what turned into a totally random discussion, Chris and I discussed what sort of a message we should send aliens. There’s talk of sending them Wikipedia, a list of literature, or just a message that says, “yo, we’re here.”
But Chris had a great idea. He thought we should rick roll them. Send them a message, they decipher it, and suddenly they hear those amazing, lovely words. That part of the podcast starts at around the 32 minute mark.
We also talked about Stargate being relaunched into a trilogy and the writers they’re bringing on. Mel Brooks said that he wants to do a Spaceballs 2? Sounds awesome. We talk more about why Deadpool will be good and why Green Lantern sucked.
And there’s a whole lot more. So sit down (or don’t), relax (or don’t), and enjoy the episode (please do). And if you want to see us on iTunes, Stitcher, Twitter, or Facebook, go right ahead!