Business Computing Weekly

Business Computing Weekly

An Interview with Alykhan Jetha - From Refugee to C.E.O. of Marketcircle Software - BCW424

October 28, 2013

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I have had the opportunity to interview quite a number of people over the last few years. One of the most amazing stories I have ever heard was during my interview with Alykhan Jetha or A.J. for short. His family fled the tyranny of Idi Amin to the Congo. Only to become refugees again and settling in Canada.

A.J. had a burning desire to succeed as a computer programmer, and through hard work and determination. has built his company Marketcircle.The company is dedicated to Apple business users with products such as DAYLIITE and Billings Pro. His company today employs 36 people and servers clients in 100 countries.

I have often thought about converting the video recording of A.J. to our audio podcast because of the amazing story A.J. gives us. This man is truly an inspiration for many entrepreneurs, and I wanted to share it with you on The Business Computing Weekly podcast.