Business Computing Weekly

Business Computing Weekly

BCW416: 5 Tips To Get Things Done - Time Management

September 02, 2013

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In this episode of Business Computing Weekly, I will share with you my new approach to getting things done or GTD for short.

Episode Highlights:

1: Time Chunking Not Multitasking

Most people may think they are great at multitasking. But in reality it's nearly impossible to do many things at once, and do them well. So I have quit multitasking. And I advise everyone out there to do the same.

I am most productive between 10:00AM and 1:00PM I attempt to accomplish my big three tasks uninterrupted during that time. On The PC I use Outlook to schedule my tasks and I keep it short. I keep separate calendars for Business, Podcasts and Personal.

2: Inbox Zero

I admit I was a big time email junkie with my email client always open, and a pack rat. Not anymore. I now use my email as a task manager, as most of my tasks are centered around email I check email no more than 4 times a day.This way I can focus on my business. I categorize them Action Item, Waiting O,n and Someday. Everything else is read and deleted promptly. I do archive some email, but now I mostly read, and delete. Although I never reach zero I manage to keep it control.

3. The Big Three - Accomplish Three Major Tasks Each Day

There was a time when I made a to do list it would grow and grow. I never achieved a sense of accomplishment. Much like I handle email, I now focus on what is important and keep the list short.

Each night before I close, I make a short list of three things I must accomplish the next day. I enter these as tasks in Outlook. These sync with Apple reminders on my iPhone and iPad as well. Each morning I work in chunks of time, where I only focus on my bug three tasks. I do not answer calls or take meetings at that time.

4: Investing in Myself - Time & Education

My chief business is Network Security products. My field is avast moving industry and requires that not only do I know the latest in the products I sell, but also my competitors products, as well as new threats and vulnerabilities. I also have to understand compliance Issues with PCI-DSS, Sarbanes Oxley, and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Therefor one afternoon a week and invest that in training to stay up to date on the latest trends. I also now read one business related book per week. I invest in my education, and therefore myself. Evernote has proven extremely valuable in this regard.

5: Remove Negativity - Allocate to The Positive

Being around negative people rubs off. My goal is to grow my business, spend more time with my family and to be of service to my community. I simply can no longer afford those who detract from that, to be in my life. I am now partnering with positive people, and surrounding myself with books and podcasts that motivate me to keep growing professionally and personally.

6: Bonus Social Chunking

Because I am faulty active in social media, largely due to my podcasts, and YouTube activity, I now chunk 1/2 hour per day for sharing, and updating Twitter, FaceBook and Linked In. I make sure that I can contribute on a regular and effective basis.I also now chunk an afternoon eau week to promote Business Computing Weekly and work on booking guests and conducting interviews.