Frontline Support Solutions

Frontline Support Solutions

Keeping up with Technological Innovation

August 21, 2014

I’m completely taken aback by the pace of technology. New ideas and discoveries are happening in technological fields every day. I think it’s important that we always keep a hand on the pulse of how our world is changing.

In order to stay current, I like to set aside 30 minutes every day to visit various tech websites, blogs, and crowdsourcing sites. I’ll skim through sites like Techmeme and Mashable to keep informed of new technology that is being released on a daily basis.

You never know when something will spark what I like to call an ‘aha! moment’. There have been times when I’ve seen a new technology and thought, “Wow, this can be used in my business.†It takes a bit of creative thinking, but there are often new ways to utilize technology in a wide range of fields.

For example, one of my business divisions is security oriented and depends on technology for the use of video analytics. In less then a year, it has completely transformed because of the rapid innovation in both hardware and software. Thanks to disruptive technologies, we have come a long way in such a short amount of time.

Changes are occurring so quickly, it is necessary to embrace new innovations or else you will end up falling behind. There are always swift companies out there that will not hesitate to disrupt their industry. As a business owner, I ask myself how I can use new technology to make my day to day operations more efficient.

As an illustration of a company that is using technology to disrupt their field of business, there is a women’s makeup company that has decided to take advantage of artificial intelligence. They have a website where customers can evaluate and purchase lipstick, eyeliner, lotion, and other beauty products. Because of the types of products they sell, they might be at a disadvantage compared to companies like Zappos. Whenever your shoes don’t fit, you can simply send them back and the company can then restock them for another customer. With beauty products, I don’t think they have the same ability. There is a lot of shrinkage and waste whenever customers buy a cosmetic product that doesn’t suit them.

For this reason, the company has decided to open up a storefront where customers can come in and see how the makeup suits their complexion. Instead of having to hire a team of employees, it is going to be completely run by artificial intelligence. AI will be able to assess a person’s complexion and recommend the makeup that best suits them. I’m not sure how successful this venture will end up being, but it is a perfect example of disruptive technology.

We’re used to stepping into a retail store and speaking with another person that can help us with our purchase. Whenever we go to Dillard’s or Macy’s, we are immediately greeted by someone who is ready to make a recommendation of what makeup goes best with our complexion. If AI can do this job more effectively or efficiently, this will definitely change the retail landscape.

If you have any ideas about how technology is changing (or disrupting) the field you work in, contact me, Joe “VetBizMan†Perez, directly.

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