Frontline Support Solutions

Frontline Support Solutions

Creating Long Lasting Business Value

April 17, 2014

We’ve been talking with Amanda Taylor and Jobim Zapico, co-founders of Performance Revealed. Their company focuses on helping new entrepreneurs create impactful, long-term businesses. I want to give the veterans that engage in my posts and podcasts a chance to soak up some of their advice and knowledge.  As a military member, there’s a good chance that you have teamwork down to an art. But what about pleasing the shareholder and customer? These are the areas that Performance Revealed can help you refine.

Once you’ve started your business successfully and have some traction started, you have a responsibility to the shareholder, customer and your employees. Jobim tells us that it can’t just be about cutting costs to increase your bottom line. Of course, that’s always a goal, but it ultimately should be a correlate of good business. He suggests we think about it in terms of an airline. In their business, success is largely dependent on the type and amount of jet fuel that is used. If you don’t have fuel, you don’t fly. But that can’t be the only concern. If the pilot lands in the wrong city, you’re going to have a few angry passengers, right?  So a business has to be concerned for more than one area all times. 

Veterans have huge leg up when it comes to one critical aspect of business: teamwork. The military is huge on the team and veterans understand that. But when they come back from overseas into American society, they have to adjust to civilian culture. There are more areas of business to understand, like pleasing the shareholders. Jobim counsels that increasing your bottom line is necessary for good business, but there’s a right way to cut costs. You have to constantly be creating value for your shareholders and customers. It’s not just about putting the cheapest product out there and saving money.

Performance Revealed exists to help you figure out the most efficient and productive way to increase value for your customers, shareholders and employees. Amanda and Jobim are great resources that I’m excited to share with you. It’s crucial to your business that you remain open minded to new ideas and knowledge. I’m not an expert. But I take every opportunity to learn from those who are and it’s helped me create a successful business. Stick around to continue the conversation with Amanda and Jobim. Until then, you can look them up at and add a comment below or contact me, Joe “VetBizMan” Perez, directly, my inbox is ready for your questions.

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