Frontline Support Solutions

Frontline Support Solutions

Turning the Tables: I Want to Hear From You for Business Opportunities

March 20, 2014

If you read my blogs or listen to the audio podcasts, you’ll quickly find out that I’m a big fan of applying technology to make my company as efficient as possible. I think one of the best ways we can do that is by studying the methods of our fellow contractors. So instead of telling you all of the ways I’m employing technology, I’d like to hear from you! Whether you are a custodial contractor, landscape contractor or a painter, we can learn from each other.

The things is, technology is growing at a rapid pace and there are guys out there already beginning to apply it within their companies. This is making them more cost efficient and therefore more competitive within the marketplace. I want to make sure all of us get that opportunity. For example, there may a painter in Wisconsin using a certain technology that a guy in Florida may be able to utilize as well.

I read the other day about flow sensors for irrigation systems and, although this has been around for some time, it’s brand new to home construction. If you install a flow sensor and pipe breaks, the sensor can automatically shutdown the system so you don’t flood the house. Now your insurance company has a lower risk and it’s going to be more cost efficient for the owner. This is just one instance in which technology is advancing our abilities and I think it’s important that we share those with one another.

I’d love to be able to create more of dialogue between the folks reading and listening.

If you have some ideas, we’ll post it! That’s what this medium is for.

I get a lot of emails but I don’t have very many folks that actually post on the blog and I’d like to change that. We’re all looking for ways to maximize our revenue and profit and the next great opportunity might come in the form of advice from a fellow contractor.

Feel free to comment below this post and tell us how you’re using technology to make our industry even better. As always, my inbox is open to you as well.

The post Turning the Tables: I Want to Hear From You for Business Opportunities appeared first on Frontline Support Solutions.