Frontline Support Solutions

Frontline Support Solutions

Frontline Support Solutions and Shortcut Blogging- A Partnership Born Through Technology

February 13, 2014

Technology never ceases to amaze me. I do my best to get involved in the tech community and find out how it can impact my business for the better. A couple years ago I got hooked up with Shortcut Blogging, which led to my audio podcasts and the blog you are reading now. (111 episodes and running!) Because I was open to the possibilities of getting outside the box and doing something new, a great partnership was created.

The internet allows us to be in the same room with people that are thousands of miles away. The guy who interviews me regularly for my podcasts, Chris, is in a completely different state, but we can communicate as if we’re right next to each other.  When I tell people I have a blog, they might think it’s interesting, but when I say, “Hey, check out my audio blog,†it takes them off guard! It’s not something that you hear every day. You can simply go to iTunes, search VetBizMan, and all my podcasts with Shortcut Blogging are available for download. So, if you’re on a long drive or on a plane ride, you can listen to these five to seven minute podcasts on various business subjects. I also did an in-depth case study interview with the guys at Shortcut Blogging so they could share my experience with others.

This type of medium gives you a way of sharing your story with folks all across the country. You never know who is going to read your blog or listen to your podcast, thanks to the power of the internet. Not only can you affect others, but these brainstorming sessions can really stimulate new thoughts for yourself. My interviewer and I always have a plan for our discussions, but oftentimes we deviate from that plan and wind up discovering something completely new! We’ve talked about everything from sequestration to the demise of a business partnership. Because we cover such a variety of subjects, I think anyone could find at least one podcast they could relate to.

This type of service would be beneficial for any type of business. When you share your information, knowledge and stories with others, you’re bound to make some connections and discoveries. These are only going to help further your business goals and possibly help you make some profitable partnerships. If you’re interested in how Shortcut Blogging works or want more information on making it attainable for you, you can email me at or check them out at

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