Frontline Support Solutions

Frontline Support Solutions

Technology: Limitless Possibilities for Your Business

February 06, 2014

Technology is going to rock your world whether or not you are prepared for it. I decided that I want to be ready for the changes so that I can take full advantage of them to further enhance my company.  In my previous blog, I told you a little bit about a tech conference I attended called Abundance 360. I showed up looking for more information on very specific subjects, but I ended up taking away so much more.

I initially signed up for the conference to learn more about sensors. My company, Frontline Support Solutions, is focused on the areas of video analytics, telematics and various other types of communications. I am well aware that sensors are the wave of the future and I wanted to get a head start on how I could begin to incorporate those into my business; sensing noxious gases, barometric pressure and different ways of supporting border security. But when I got to this meeting of the minds, I was exposed to a new world of technology that completely blew my mind.

At first, I didn’t think I was going to be interested in the other stuff, because that’s not what I came for. Then they started talking about the advancements of AI, artificial intelligence. This particular technology is going to be able to take care of human needs in an incredibly efficient way. We will be able to use AI to find cures for diseases and block certain types of germs and deadly viruses. You see, humans have to go through a process of trial and error. Artificial intelligence is able to compute enormous amounts of data at such a fast rate that human intelligence just doesn’t compare. The possibilities for the application of this technology are endless.

Another thing I was really impressed with was the idea of robotics. This is allowing a machine to do the boring, menial tasks that are currently being done by human workers. A lot of times these tasks are dangerous, repetitive jobs or ones that are low paying. When you introduce robotics into the mix, you can slowly transition your current workforce into maintaining and programming the robots or becoming more efficient and supportive of your company.

One of the most incredible things I got to see in person was 3D printing. I didn’t realize it had been around for thirty years! It has grown exponentially over the last few years and we’re at a point now where you can print just about anything with the right materials. We also got to learn about the benefits of crowdsourcing and crowdfunding: an efficient and financially sound way of using the talents of people all over the world to get a job done. Because of the internet, distance is no longer a hindrance. We are connected in real time and can take advantage of this resource.

When it comes to technology and how it’s going to affect your business, you really are only limited by your imagination. You’ve got to get out there and learn about all the incredible technology that’s going to be at your fingertips. Like I said before, it’s going to happen whether you know about it first or not and it’s going to happen sooner than later. The few I’ve mentioned in this post are only the tip of the iceberg, so get to a conference, start reading or get a hold of me to begin the conversation.

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