Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 31: Scopes Monster Trial

March 03, 2015

Having thankfully been pushed back a week due to inclement weather, our heroes join together anew to talk about Evolve and how four small Hunters can possibly fair in the world against a big bad Monster. This asymmetrical multiplayer game turns you into a space bounty hunter gunning after the biggest pelt in the universe, or makes you a multi-floored abomination unto mankind. But why bother reading about all this when you can just listen to it?

Aside from discussing what to do with our Wraith hides, Adam and I talk about:

how Nintendo's New 3DS is treating Adam
Peter Molyneux's lying, be it pathological or simply ambitious
how Metacritic is bad and you should feel bad
the HTC and Valve created VR headset, named the Vive

Personally, I thought that this was not going to be too long an episode, in terms of the review part. As you can see when you start to listen, I have been proven wrong. In fact, this may be our longest episode since Bioshock Infinite way back when we started this cast!

Take a listen to the MP3 below or check us out on iTunes if you want to support us there. Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. It really helps us know there are people out there listening! If you've got any complaints, death threats, manifestos or just plain, boring questions, send us an email here and we will do our best to get back to you.

On next time's Friendly Fireside Chats, Link and Zelda will be joining us to talk about Nintendo's recently re-released Majora's Mask on the 3DS. Adam shall play on his fancy machine and I'll be clinging to the past, playing on my boring old normal 3DS.