Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 28: Let’s Get Smashed Up and Die

October 28, 2014

This week we took a look at Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. This is the official title, mind you, and we are all about some officiality over here at Friendly Fireside Chats. Don’t you ever forget it. With the newest iteration into the fighting series in our hands, how did we find it compared? McKee, long-standing Melee veteran weighs in…and Adam’s there too.

Aside from pining for the glory days of Smashdom, we talk about:

  • Half-Life 3 and some crazy attempts to get it made ‘by any means necessary’
  • other entitled gamers and their going-ons concerning GamerGate
  • Google and how they might be crawling their way into the realm of console production
  • the Angry Birds movie! Seriously, did everyone already know about this?

What we thought was a short news week led to some interesting discussions about Half-Life 3 and a light touch upon the recent GamerGate issues. While it might seem a gold mine to some to continue to dig news from it, there are only so many ways you can say that the traditional gamer is a bit of a jerk. If this changes, we’ll surely report on it, you better believe it.

The MP3 below is said to be imbued with magical properties to be given to any listeners, but not as magical as those bestowed on iTunes users. Twitter follows are practically sorcerers and we haven’t invented words in this language to describe what great things happen to those who like us on Facebook. For questions, complaints, or details on how to redeem these magical properties, send us an email and we’ll respond as quickly as we can.

Thanks, as always, for tuning in. Let us know what you thought of the 3DS version of the game in the comments below, or pretty much anywhere! Next time we meet, we’ll be talking about Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth and joined by a handful of people. See you then!