Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 26: Teach Me, Sensei

September 18, 2014

Welcome back everybody to Friendly Fireside Chats! Sorry for the delay, once again, in getting some content to you guys. We didn’t have a whole bunch to talk about and, combine that with Adam getting lazy about splicing all the audio together, well, you can see what happens.

What we decided to talk about this week was the release of Ultra Street Fighter IV and, more in general, the Fighting Game Community and competitive gaming. Since Adam and myself are not the most well versed in the FGC, we invited Adam Perry on board to help guide us through its up and downs. It’s a large amount of ground to cover, so we’ll let you guys just dive right in! We hope you enjoy.

Aside from people’s wanton cruelty towards streets, we cover a lot of other topics, including:

  • Nintendo and the truly amazingly titled ‘New Nintendo 3DS’
  • a small history of Techies, and how I learned to stop DotA-ing and hate the bomb(er)
  • Amazon buying for a nice lump sum o’ cash
  • GamerGate and the debacle of gaming journalism

Before I wrap up, Adam and myself wanted to clarify that this last bit about Zoe Quinn and GamerGate, which is a large part of our cast today, is not a newsworthy story because of Quinn’s exploits or personal life, but because of how awfully the media and gamers reacted. Her ex’s ability to rally an army seemingly overnight to demonize and terrorize Quinn and other members at the forefront of feminist gaming is as impressive as it is disgusting, and certainly scary more than either. It’s too big a news story to not talk about, which is why it made it in, but we wanted to clarify that Friendly Fireside Chats does not in any way condone personally attacking anyone for any reason, least of all video game journalism.

If that somehow isn’t enough for you, I just don’t know what to tell you. You’re a glutton for guys sitting around and talking at one another, not that there’s anything wrong with that. As always, the MP3 can be found below this wall of text, but we’d really like for you to grab us on iTunes and subscribe there. It’s easier for you and makes all that work I put into getting us there feel worthwhile. Check us out on Twitter and follow us there and don’t forget to join us on Facebook, too. Lastly, if you find yourself interested in talking directly into our ears, then the closest you’re likely to come is by shooting us an email. We’ll read ‘em, we promise!

Thanks for tuning in this week, guys, and a big thanks again to Adam Perry for joining us. We really appreciate you guys giving us your time and your ears. Next time we meet, we’ll be discussing Bungie’s Destiny and how good or great or bad or awful it might be. Unfortunately, we know that it might be some time before we get around to getting it out as life’s intervening at every opportunity. We’ll see you when we see you!