Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 23: Wack_Dawgz

June 26, 2014

Continuing in our trend of ‘eventually getting around to playing and talking about pretty damn hyped games,’ Adam and McKee this week take on Ubisoft’s WATCH_DOGS, or as Adam has taken to calling it for fairly obvious reasons, ‘Wack_Dawgz.’ He’s the more clever of the two, if you somehow hadn’t noticed. When he wasn’t flaunting his creative genius, what did he think of it? What did the ever-critical-of-Ubisoft McKee say of the first ‘next-generation game’ in his final verdict? Listen up, ’cause it’s all here.

When we’re not talking about how much we love and hate the dark underworld of being a haxxor, we talk about

  • E3! Seriously, you didn’t think we’d forgotten, did you?
  • Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony’s conferences and where we think they’re headed
  • our weekly Oculus Rift Report with Adam goes strong (though really, it’s McKee who brings it up this time)

Thanks for reading and thanks for listening. The MP3 is below, as always, and we hope you enjoy it. iTunes is a pretty cool place to check us out, and we’d love to deliver to your iTunes whenever we update! You can always follow us on Twitter or check us out and like us on Facebook, too. You can have as much Friendly Fireside Chats as you like! Don’t hesitate to drop us a line, too, by sending us an email.

Another new tradition, I hope, is that I’m going to be able to accurately tell you the next game we’ll play. So, going for the world record of two in a row, consider yourself informed that our next game will be Shovel Knight; it’s not been as hyped up in elite and official circles like our previous two games, but it’s making quite a splash in the forums and comment threads internet wide. Get hyped!