French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture

French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture

FV 125: (Part 2) Drama company The French Loop with Natacha

March 31, 2021

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Natacha is a young Frenchwoman qui "a la patate" and a contagious passion for improvised play. She's the founder, coach, and one of the improvisers / actresses of The French Loop, a theatre company based in Melbourne. (If you also live in the area and would love to practice your French and have a go, Natacha welcomes non native speakers too, hint hint!).

In this second episode, Natacha is presenting the French Loop : who can attend ? From what age? We'll also talk about a not so well-known aspect of improvisation called social theatre / Shake Theatre. You'll see that this activity can be a fantastic, therapeutic tool. Finally, I love Natacha's message: everything is possible, don't take life too seriously!
Vocab List
avoir la patate (fam) = to be in a great mood, to feel in great shape
cérébrolésé,e (adj) = brain-damaged person
comédien,ne (n) = actor, actress
coulisses (fem plur) = backstage
envoyer du pâté (fam) = to be cool, to be badass, to be sick
éphémère (adj) = short-lived
exutoire (nm) = outlet, release
fac (nf) = uni
Links and Resources
The French Loop on Facebook: