French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture

French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture

FV 123 INTRO: With planetary scientist François Forget (Part 2)

December 15, 2020

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Meet François Forget, a planetary scientist at the Laboratoire de Météo Dynamique in Paris.  François is an atmospheric dynamicist: he and his team model other planetary atmospheres including Mars, Titan and exoplanets.

In this second episode, I asked François whether he thinks we will get to see a man go on Mars in our lifetime. What processes and challenges would this involve? What are the upcoming projects in terms of space exploration? François will also draw a parallel between space and Antarctica missions (he did spend time in Antarctica this year). The personality of people who live in a confined space in a hostile environment may well be the most important factor in a mission and the survival of its members.
Part of François's work consists of modelling the environment of other planets: What are the scientific / practical applications of it? How can this help us understand our very own planet?
The interview will end with the eye-opening, terrifying projection of what changes planet Earth is facing due to global warming. It's time to act NOW!!

A huge thank you to Mike W. for putting me in touch with François! If you too know someone who could make a great guest on the podcast, please introduce us!

François Forget's personal site

Watch lectures by François Forget online: (in French) (in French) (in French) (in English)

Vocab List
au delà = beyond
brouille (nf) = quarrel, disagreement
calotte polaire (nf) = polar (ice) cap
carburant (nm) = fuel
confinement (nm) = confinement, lockdown, quarantine
entre guillemets = in quotation marks, in quotes
fusée (nf) = rocket
hivernage (nm) = wintering, overwintering
incendie (nm) = fire
lancer la pierre (à quelqu'un) = to judge (someone)
navette (nf) = shuttle
vaisseau (nm) = vessel, spaceship