Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marke

Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marke

#72 Stories And Sex Wax - Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marketing Podcast

March 13, 2014

James and Timbo are back with another excursion into Freedom Ocean. In this engaging episode, they focus on a powerful and often overlooked tool of the marketer's trade - storytelling.

In the podcast:

01:01 - A new addiction
01:40 - What's in a name?
03:26 - The pros and cons of forums
07:33 - Let's talk story
09:22 - Pants around ankles
15:11 - Paying for soul
19:13 - The power of analogy
20:41 - What's your "why" story?
25:40 - Reassessing your why
29:42 - James' new podcast
33:32 - How to pull an effective story



Best subject line ever. [Click To Tweet]

Jab, jab jab, right hook. [Click To Tweet]

Identify your Why. [Click To Tweet]

Find the emotion. [Click To Tweet]

Practice your stories. [Click To Tweet]

Internet Marketing Products & Resources
Here you’ll find Tim and James have some things to help your business become more powerful.

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Tim:       Welcome back listeners to Episode 72 of your favorite online/Internet marketing show called Freedom Ocean. I’m Timbo Reid, I’m right over on the hammock. Just come off the surfboard is Jimmy the James Schramko.
James:  That’s a true story, Timbo.
Tim:       I know. Well, maybe not the hammock part.
James:  And that’s just for the first time today. I’ll definitely be out again later.
Tim:       You’ve got a new hobby mate.
James:  I have. Yeah. I say it’s bordering on…
Tim:       Obsession?
James:  Addiction. Yeah. But, it’s good. It’s one of those sports where you come out cleaner than you start. So, that’s positive. It’s very low cost to get involved. You know, apart from the actual surfboard, there’s not a lot of expense. Surfboard and a wetsuit, you’re good to go and wax is cheap. It’s fit and healthy and fun and challenging. I look at it as actually one of the hardest sports to pick up as an adult and I’m really enjoying it.
Tim:       Do you use Mrs. Palmer and her 5 daughters, James?
James:  No.
Tim:       No. What wax do you use?
James:  They’ve got the strangest brand names. They’re all very… there’s Far King wax. There’s a..
Tim:       Like F-A-R K-I-N-G.
James:  Of course. There’s Zogs Sex Wax. There’s a couple of others. I’ve got a few others. There’s  Big Stick.
Tim:       I’m particular. I love names. I don’t know about you but one of the, inside the Small Business, Big Marketing forum, I do love it when someone poses a naming question. I don’t know what it is but I actually, a hidden talent of mine is naming businesses. I really enjoy it. Sometimes I think the name people can get kind of, like they can do their head in trying to come up with a big name but when you do get a good name for your business that you absolutely love, it does bring  a different energy to the business. But I always use the example you know, like Apple was a piece of fruit once, you know? Jobs just quickly needed to name something and it w...