Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marke

Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marke

#69 Getting More From Your Travel - Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marketing Podcast

December 11, 2013

On this week's episode, James surprises Tim on his mobile, where the two share best tips and practices for the traveling business owner.

In the podcast:

- Revealing insights from the New York Times
- Running a business while you're away
- What travel can teach you about your business
- The lingering influence of the industrial age
- Business + personal video mementos
- Online while on-the-go: James’ equipment essentials
- The physical effects of traveling
- Hygiene, hydration and dressing for travel
- Stretching your wardrobe
- James' flight routine
- Bonus travel tips



Travel teaches you things about your business. [Click To Tweet].
Are you brave enough? [Click To Tweet].
Do you travel this light? [Click To Tweet].

Internet Marketing Products & Resources
Here you’ll find Tim and James have some things to help your business become more powerful.

Download the PDF transcription

James:            Hey, James here, and what I‟m going to do is I‟m actually going to dial up Timbo on his mobile phone, because he‟s driving around Victoria right now, and I‟m actually overseas. On today‟s episode, he mentioned last week, we‟re going to be talking about travel. So I thought it would be really cool to put him on the spot. I‟m just going to hit record and see what happens. So join me as we dial up Timbo.
Tim:                 Hi, Tim speaking.
James:            Good day, it‟s James here, How are you going, buddy?
Tim:                 How are you James? Good, how are you?
James:            Good. You‟re out and about.
Tim:                 Yeah, well quite appropriate, given the topic of today‟s show.
James:            What‟s the topic of today‟s show, Timbo?
Tim:                 Being out and about and running a business, remotely, when you‟re on holiday in Italy.
James:            Lovely. Now you‟re not in Italy yet, right?
Tim:                 Not yet, mate, another… next Tuesday.
James:            Beautiful.
Tim:                 Beautiful. How are you?
James:            I am fantastic. I‟ve just had breakfast here in Manila, and I‟ve been reading the international New York Times, which is very revealing.
Tim:                 In what way?
James:            Well, Detroit‟s declared bankruptcy, so they‟re going to wipe $18 billion in debt. And only one-third of ambulances in Detroit work, and only 9 percent of crimes are solved, and they‟ve got exoduses of hundreds of thousand of residents. And then on other pages, I‟m reading about Google buying a lot of robotic companies to automate process lines after we‟ve seen Amazon‟s drones…
Tim:                 Yes.
James:            Now obviously, this is going to take someone‟s job, these automated things. They‟re getting very powerful, Google. Very, very powerful. They control a lot of data. Yesterday I was reading about how they‟re taking over data centers and giving Amazon a run for their money. And the guy that used to run Amazon has moved to Google to do their cloud storage servers.
Tim:                 Wow.
James:            And then I just saw this huge article about affiliate marketing, which I‟ve never really seen in a mainstream paper…
Tim:                 No.