Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marke

Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marke

#66 WooWoo, Travel Gear And More… - Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marketing Podcast

November 20, 2013

In this episode of Freedom Ocean, Tim warms things up with a little bit of Apple trivia and some puns and Dad jokes. James shares highlights from his recent trips, update on his latest travel gear and big ideas from a recent conference...

Episode highlights:
- Involving the public, going light and lean
- Update on James' video production travel gear
- Apple-influenced design
- Thinking big and reaching out to others
- Top things James learned from his recent travels
- Meditation, being a good person, mental models and envisioning your future
- Being grateful for what you have
- The best way to get introduced to the right people
- James’ 3 main marketing moves



Powerful people influence through media and content. [Click To Tweet].
Our thoughts affect our actions. [Click To Tweet].
Know your SMART numbers. [Click To Tweet].
Religion can pull people apart. [Click To Tweet].
Redefine your mental model of the world. [Click To Tweet].
Acknowledge the gifts that you have. [Click To Tweet].


Internet Marketing Products & Resources
Here you’ll find Tim and James have some things to help your business become more powerful.

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Tim:                  Welcome back listeners, to the very, very warm waters of Freedom Ocean. Timbo Reid here. Right there is....
James:              James Schramko.
Tim:                  “Jimmy” James Schramko. And this is episode 66.
James:              It’s like a Bingo night.
Tim:                  It is, it is. Clickety-click, 66. That's the older people, who don't have teeth, Jimmy.
James:              I just took the kids to see Bad Grandpa and they have a Bingo scene in that one.
Tim:                  What's Bad Grandpa?
James:              Oh, it’s a Johnny Knoxville guy from Jackass, and he dresses up as an old grandpa, and he has a little kid sidekick. And they basically go around causing terror. But the people who are in the scenes don’t know that they’re in the scene. It’s like a surprise, so...
Tim:                  So is it a mockumentary, like Borat?
James:              Exactly like that, yeah.
Tim:                  Oh, man, I love those. Love those shows!
James:              But with Jackass-like stunts.
Tim:                  Wow. I would really like to see that, I didn't even know that was out. I'm still yet to see Gravity. I kind of like the idea. Imagine if we could get to the point with our content marketing, James, where we could kind of inject ideas like, you know, kind of mockumentary-type ideas. Not that we couldn't already, but you know, it takes it to another level.
James:              Well, I think a lot of the time I am involving members of the public when I’m filming, because I don’t rent the space and put in a council permit and have a catering v...