Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marke

Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marke

#64 How To Run An Uncomplicated Event - Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marketing Podcast

September 04, 2013

Welcome back listener to episode 64 of Freedom Ocean. This week, James and Tim talk about the importance of conducting live events, all the essentials to prepare your very own, the best self-saucing pudding, some jokes (from Tim.....that you might not want your kids to hear) and a hungry guest decides to speak up.

In this episode:
- The different types of live events and who should be doing them
- Preparing your content presentation
- The "Done With You" format
- The important steps in creating a simple structure
- How to leverage your events
- Pre-event preparation tips and crucial things to consider

Make live events a part of your business arsenal [Click To Tweet].
Offer your guests real results [Click To Tweet].
Leverage your events [Click To Tweet].
Address the existing problems of your audience [Click To Tweet].
Internet Marketing Products & Resources
Here you’ll find Tim and James have some things to help your business become more powerful.
Download the PDF transcription


Tim:                 Welcome back, listeners, to Episode 64 of Freedom Ocean. I am Timbo Reid, one of your hosts, and right there is Jimmy James Schramko. Good day, mate.
James:            How are you going, Timbo?
Tim:                 Couldn't be finer, sixty-niner. Thank you for asking. Beautiful day. I'm sipping on a chai latte, and talking to my mate in Sydney.
James:            That’s great! I’ve been nibbling on some pumpkin seed, nuts, a carrot and some of that green water.
Tim:                 Oh, yum. Oh mate, I'm salivating. Gosh, I'd give up that chai latte in a heartbeat for some pumpkin seeds.
James:            Well, you know my pet cockatoo Bob likes them as well. It’s a fight to the death.
Tim:                 Is Bob's surname Down?
James:            I don’t think so.
Tim:                 Right, okay.
James:            That’s two lewd jokes in the first sentence. You got 69 and Bob Down, what’s going on?
Tim:                 That's how we roll. That is how we roll. You know, speaking of 69, I had a terribly embarrassing moment a number of years ago, on stage, where I was emceeing a primary school function, my local kids went to the local Catholic primary school, and that is important that we remember it as a Catholic primary school. And one of the teachers is up on stage drawing numbers out of the barrel for some competition, and he pulls out the number 69. You know when you're doing one of the Bingo things, you know, clickety click, sixty six, legs eleven, you know, that type of thing? He says, "Dinner for two, sixty-nine."
James:            That’s outrageous!
Tim:                 Outrageous. Outrageous. And I've got the principal sitting at the table right in front of me, and yes. One of the dangers of emceeing things. You can bring loose cannons up on stage, and that's always scary. Which is actually, a very good segue, Jimmy James,