Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marke

Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marke

#63 Features Of A High-Performing Website - Freedom Ocean Internet Marketing with James Schramko and Tim Reid | Internet Business | Online Marketing Podcast

August 19, 2013

Welcome back listener to Freedom Ocean. In this episode, James and Tim mix things up with a discussion on mashed potato, the benefits of sharing and commenting, simplicity, a compelling video and some words of marketing wisdom.

Topics in this podcast:

* Better commenting features and its "SEO-able" advantages

* When sharing and commenting are beneficial

* Keeping things simpler

* Leading people to what you want them to do

* A powerful content tip from James

* One listener has something to say



Most people have this limiting belief about marketing [Click To Tweet].
Perfection is achieved when there's nothing left to take away [Click To Tweet].
Make it easier for customers to find what they want [Click To Tweet].

Internet Marketing Products & Resources
Here you’ll find Tim and James have some things to help your business become more powerful.
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Tim:                 Welcome back listeners to the Freedom Ocean podcast. I am one of your hosts, Timbo Reid; and right there is Jimmy James Schramko. How are you buddy?
James:            I am good, and you’ve got a cold.
TIm:                 I have, I have got the Rod Stewart’s happening. Mate, one of the great quotes which is before we hit the record button, from your good self which somehow we will find an Internet marketing spin but you said, mashed.. mashed potato was surprisingly simple to cook. You’re expecting it to be pretty difficult?
James:            Well I didn’t know, so... I’ve been trying new dishes, and these days, I do the same when I want to try a new drink. I’ll just use the iPhone, and I’m sure a lot of people do this, and I type in what I want, and then the recipe comes up, and I follow it. But yeah, I’ve never cooked mashed potatoes before, and I found out it was extraordinarily easy to do.
Tim:                 But yeah... maybe listeners are rapt. This is just a combined sigh of relief but what part of the mashing did you think may have had a degree of difficulty?
James:            Well I didn’t know how long to cook it for. I just followed the instructions, like cut it into pieces, boil the water for 15 to 20 minutes, drain the water, mash it. I didn’t have a masher, but I’d softened them sufficiently to be able to use a wooden spoon.
Tim:                 Jimmy, you’re a simple man and that’s what we love about you. I’ll give you the learning here because I’ve just come back from Mackay, Queensland where I spoke to a wonderful group of business owners, small business owners as I often do every week somehow, somewhere. Most people have limiting, and I say business owners, have this limiting belief around the fact, and including me, around the fact that something in regard to the marketing of their business is actually going to be really difficult. And if we talk specifically about the kind I call the modern marketing techniques that you and I talk about. As soon as you say to someone, video marketing,