Fred Frees Favorites, an Audio Book Sampler

Fred Frees Favorites, an Audio Book Sampler

Sons of Harpo & Groucho Speak

May 03, 2014
Sons of Harpo & Groucho Speak
Host Fred Frees presents an hour of audio delights from the Bear Manor and Waterlogg catalogs, plus some rarities of all kinds. This time, part 1 Son of Harpo Speaks, written and read by Bill Marx, and a rare interview with Arthur Marx, from 1972. The book is available at The audiobook is available at

Doug McEwan explains how he met Groucho's son: I was hosting a Sunday Morning radio show on KGIL titled The Doug McEwan Comedy  Hour, where I played only comedy albums. Arthur had just put out a memoir titled Son Of Groucho, and the book's publicist contacted me and asked if I wanted to interview him, since my audience, though small, were exactly the sort of folks who would want to read Arthur's book. I jumped at it. It was arranged by the publicist for me to come to Arthur's home the day after his dad's show at the Music Center (Which I had promoted relentlessly, playing excerpts from the album release of his Carnegie Hall show). I actually met Arthur the first time the night before, during intermission at Groucho's show. I spotted him in the lobby and went over and introduced myself. (He was, after all, talking to George Burns at the time. Why pass up a chance also to meet George Burns?) Bill Smith, who was then the station's publicist, accompanied me to Arthur's and took photos, and asked the occasional question himself. Bill's as big a comedy geek as I am. He also went along when I interviewed Bud Abbott. I didn't need a publicist along, but Bill wanted to meet them as much as I did.'

Son of Harpo Speaks! 
A Family Portrait
By Bill Marx

Narrated by Bill Marx

Length: 8 hours 
46 min.

Son of Harpo Speaks!



Over 9 Hours Of Entertainment! "For many years, friends and family have asked me, 'Bill, why don't you write a book about your life? You must have had quite a childhood growing up with your dad, Harpo, and those zany uncles of yours, the Marx Brothers. And what about those weird, maybe fatalistic happenings you've experienced that can only be described as 'too-Hollywood-to-believe?'" —Bill Marx

More about Waterlogg Productions at

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