The Frankly Doria Show

The Frankly Doria Show

Child Probesity

August 15, 2013

Mike Doria gets *brave this week with the exploration of conspiracy theories on Episode 10: Child Probesity.  The backlash begins right away when mike can't even get past the introduction to the episode without getting abducted.  We can't tell you what happens after -- most because of  memory erasing and some laziness while typing -- but Mike returns safely to Earth to deliver the week's news, a commentary regaring Katy Perry's new song "Roar" and finishes out the segment with the debut of his world premier single "Piece of Work."  Doria then turns his focus to left-handed people (he is one as well) to begin his look into conspiracy theories.  This leads him to call the Queen of England followed by Conspiracy Researcher "Citizen X" whose real name we're protecting.  Listen at your own risk.