

Latest Episodes

Fouradio #30: Brian Bentz: Renaissance Man
October 16, 2013

The Renaissance is upon us! The gents have welcomed into the studio Mr. Brian Bentz, general Renaissance man, polymath, and fan of the show. The guys discuss the government shutdown, Michael Keaton, bar etiquette, and true vs. fair-weather friends. Take a

Four Radio #4: Melissa Cruz
January 22, 2013

Four Radio welcomes a friend of the show, Melissa Cruz, to discuss ancient aliens, man-boys, MOOC's, the zombie apocalypse, and celebritites. Ear candy!

Four Radio #3: Mr. Yorn Stevens
January 16, 2013

Four Radio introduces its first guest host, Mr. Yorn Stevens. Yorn discusses the gym, the LAPD, and his biceps. Enjoy!

Four Radio #2: Christmas!
December 17, 2012

Christmas time is upon us-time to talk about the season. This episode covers Christmas, cultural differences between cities, social media, and hipsters. Take a listen.

Four Radio #1: Pilot Episode!
December 10, 2012

Welcome to 4 Radio, a show about 4 dudes and 4 minute segments. This is our pilot episode!
