Four-Color Film Podcast

Four-Color Film Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode #112 - Whiteout
January 28, 2019

Allen and Gerald go back and pick up 2009's Whiteout, and wish to god that they hadn't. Kate Beckinsale, Gabriel Macht, and Tom Skerritt do fine with bad material and director Dominic Sean continues his streak of underwhelming films by adapting a...

Episode #111 - The Losers
January 21, 2019

The crew watches 2010's The Losers this week, but talk routinely devolves into discussions of regional fast food, misguided advertisement campaigns targeting millennials, and... some kid's dad's Instagram. The film fails to capture anyone's...

Episode #110 - Kick-Ass
January 14, 2019

Gerald prepares to defend another morally questionable piece of fiction from the Allen/Lacey purity tests as the crew talks out 2010's Kick-Ass. The Matthew Vaughn directed adaptation of a Mark Millar comic received mostly positive reviews in its...

Episode #109 - Blade Runner
January 07, 2019

For Allen's birthday, the FCF crew sit down and watch almost objectively the best film this podcast has ever covered. Blade Runner is Allen's favorite film, and there is no better time to cover it than the beginning of 2019, the year in which the film...

Episode #108 - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (The New Year Special)
December 31, 2018

Allen, Lacey, and Gerald are joined by Alan Hardy to discuss the Edgar Wright cult classic, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Everyone discusses their year, and what they hope for in 2019. And once again, the Four-Color Film Championship is on the...

Episode #107 - Four-Color Christmases
December 24, 2018

The Four-Color crew is joined live and in person by Mr. John Hall and Lillian McKinney, as they gather 'round the fire to regale listeners with tales of animated superhero Christmases past: Justice League - "Comfort & Joy," as told by Lacey...

Episode #106 - Jonah Hex
December 18, 2018

This week is 2010's Jonah Hex! Much maligned upon its original release and forgotten in the years since, we revisit this adaptation of DC's fantastical comic book cowboy to see if it really is as bad as the 12% Rotten Tomatoes score would...

Episode #105 - Iron Man 2
December 10, 2018

Alan Hardy joins Allen and Gerald to discuss perhaps the most undeservingly maligned film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  

Episode #104 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
December 03, 2018

Allen, Gerald, and Lacey watch the justly maligned X-Men Origins: Wolverine and unexpectedly find in it a lengthy conversation that is surprisingly on topic throughout. Also: Kate Winslet is unduly deified, a plan is made for a Fantastic Four...

Episode #103 - Watchmen
November 26, 2018

Allen and Gerald are joined again by Mr. Alan Hardy to discuss 2009's Watchmen, directed by Zack Snyder and all of the questionable decisions involved in the existence of this adaptation of Alan Moore's most lauded work. Subscribe on iTunes,...