Founder FM

Founder FM

(FFM52) Mike Chan: Passionate about Startups

October 09, 2016

Mike Chan Interview on Founder FM:

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Mike Chan: In 30 Words
“I frickin’ love it” That’s how Mike describes his entrepreneurial journey. He’s grown companies, he’s helped others do the same. And now, he’s sharing the journey in his podcast.

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Mike Chan: Introduction
Mike Chan entrepreneur, marketer, co-organizer of Startup Weekend DC, host of the Go and Grow podcast,
Now, if you’re into Podcasts, check out Go and Grow. He’s had great guests on there like Neil Patel from Quicksprout as well as a couple of familiar faces who’ve been on Founder FM – namely Jason Zook and Paul Jarvis.
In this interview we talk about Mike’s life as an entrepreneur, from moving to the comfort of the corporate world to the riskier endeavors of starting your own business. It hasn’t been an easy ride. As with any entrepreneur who strikes out and goes it alone, there are plenty of challenges on the road.
Mike talks about how he overcame those challenges, the value of your personal network in helping your grow your business, and the all-important task that faces the entrepreneur – trying to explain your job to your Mom.
So, let’s head to DC USA to meet Mike Chan.

Mike Chan show notes

* Mike Chan on Linkedin
* Washbox 24

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