For the Love of Climbing

For the Love of Climbing

42: Something's Gotta Give

October 01, 2022

The world of adaptive sports is changing, and quickly. Ronnie’s disability hasn’t held him back, but social stigmas that are still caught behind in outdated narratives can. And that’s where change comes. It takes a community, and Ronnie asks himself every day how he can make a difference. The answer is simple—one at a time.

Prosthetic and Orthotic Associates of Tennessee



For the Love of Climbing is presented by Patagonia. Additional support is from Deuter USA, Gnarly Nutrition, Allez Outdoors, Ocún, and the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA).

Music is by Chad Crouch. Additional music is licensed by Music Bed.

Cover art by Kika MacFarlane.

Read the transcript here.

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