That's Not How The Force Works

That's Not How The Force Works

Harry Potter and Star Wars: The Force of Magic

May 02, 2020

Morgan and Jeff explore the parallels between the Star Wars saga and the Harry Potter series. We talk about how we first got into Harry Potter, then look at the seemingly endless list of more than coincidental similarities between two of our favorite fandoms.Mentioned on this podcast:ReedPop Virtual Star Wars Con - Beings LTD May the Fourth Sale - Carre cocktail - of Despair (aka Foaming Fairy without the foam) - you enjoyed this episode please subscribe, rate, and review. Your ratings and reviews help support our podcast! Don't forget to follow us on social and thank you for listening. Connect with us:Twitter: @ForceWorksPod; Instagram: @ForceWorksPodcastJeff: @rooksjeff (Twitter); @rooksjeff (Instagram); u/rooksjeff (Reddit)Morgan: @MorganGeeksOut (Twitter); @thegirlandthegalaxy (Instagram)Email: forceworkspod@gmail.comOur Luminous Beings LTD Etsy Store: