TFE Podcast | Superbowl Matchups | First College Draft Board

February 01, 2015

Hello you guys. How is everyone doing?


Ted how are you feeling?


The SUPER BOWL is finally here. I know no one has a dog in this fight but are you excited for the game?


Before we get into the game itself did either of you see Roger Goodell's press conference?


The NFL has no respect for it's fans.


Do think for a second we believe they have no definitive information on deflate gate?


That whole press conference was a sham. I almost started cracking up in Detroit's airport while watching. How long does it take to interview staff members and then the film from the sidelines? They only had to review video from the first half. It's ridiculous.



Anyway on to the game.


How did you feel about Marshawn Lynch's media interaction?


I guess I never understand it when a star has perpetual feud with the media?  I feel like they get paid hansomely for their job and that kind scrutiny comes with territory.


He can be so much more if he would only open up a bit. He seems to believe that because someone isn't with him 100% then they are against him. There is no gray area. It's bizarre. I mean if he wasn't a beast running back the Seahawks wouldn't employment him. So the reporters have a story to tell and he refuses to tell his and in doing that he makes himself a villan.


If he worked for an ad firm or Microsoft his job entail dealing with the media or how to deal with the media and if you didn't perform those duties well you may be out of a job. I don't see how this differs.


Anyway a shout out to all the Beast mode fans for seeing your boy keeping it real.


Any individual matchups you're looking forward to seeing?


I'm really looking forward to seeing Kam Chancellor on Gronkowski. I think it's a matchup that is favorbale for the Seahawks. Because Gronk is a mismatch in most games he plays Kam Chancellor has a real chance to slow him down with his size and physicality.


The Seahawks have a clear advantage in the running game and it will be fun to see how the Patriots Vince Wilfork and the rest of the D Line handles Lynch.


I want to give a shout out to Rob Ninkovich, He's a local kid, he played for Lincoln Way Central in New Lenox and I think he's always surprised people. He's turned out to be a pretty damn good pro.


What do you say we take a quick break? Alrighty please stay tuned to the football educator podcast don't forget to hit Ted up with questions on twitter @ ted_sundquist






Welcome back. So Erik Galko from Optimum Scouting is someone we work pretty close with and  he just put up his position rankings and big board.


Have you looked at it Ted? I'd like to know if you guys agree with it.


BTW I’d like to give a shout out to Erik for his piece on Sporting News regarding Mariota and Winston. Great look at the two QB's. There are some who have backed off of Mariota because of the National Championship loss but I look at it a bit diffrerently. I felt a bit differently, I felt like he was one of the only guys that came out to play, he was 24 of 37 for 333 and he ran for 39 yards.


Erik has Tampa taking Mariota 1st. And Winston going 6th to the Jets.


And only one RB Todd Gurley of Georgia going to Arizona at #24