Growth Reframed Podcast

Growth Reframed Podcast

Latest Episodes

Reframe Your Day
June 22, 2022

You get to make the choice of how your day goes.  You can’t control the circumstances or other people, but you can reframe your own thinking and redirect yourself into more joy and happiness.   Y'all

Morning Routines are Overrated
June 15, 2022

Let's be real. Morning routines are overrated! Everyone tells us,"you have to have a morning routine to be successful", but what if it doesn't work for you? What if you aren't productive at 4am?  Toda

June 08, 2022

Today we talk about therapy.  I avoided like the plague and did every thing I possibly could on my own, but eventually I couldn't stay stuck and neither should you.  Whether you think you may need the

Love Yourself
June 01, 2022

Why is it so easy to give our love away to other people and so hard to give it to ourselves? When is the last time you appreciated yourself for being you? When is the last time you told yourself, "I l

Helping Someone With Depression
May 25, 2022

Depression levels are at an all time high with more and more people struggling each and every day.  Chances are either you or someone you love is battling depression and you may be asking how you can

We DON'T All Have the Same Amount of Time
May 18, 2022

We have all heard, "we all have the same amount of time in a day." And guess what? It isn't true!  It is time to cut through the toxic belief that we all have the same time.  It leads to frustration,

Building Confidence
May 11, 2022

Confidence seems to be something everyone is striving for more of. But how do you get it? Where does it come from? And what do you have to do to get more of it?  The reality is no one else can build y

No Judgment
May 04, 2022

We are all on a journey and many of us have been told we should be striving for more.  But what is more? What if we don’t want it? What if we LIKE where we are at? Just because our journey–or lack the

Does Vulnerability Have Limits?
April 27, 2022

Vulnerability is a super power, but does it have limits?  Many of us are not sharing at all because we don't want to come off as needy or like we have a preceived weakness.  Others share absolutely ev

Living Without Expectations
April 20, 2022

We focus so much on our own expectations of how things will go or how we expect others to show up that we get held back or miss other , potentially better, opportunities right in front of us.  So what
