Grace and Mercy Show

Grace and Mercy Show

Latest Episodes

La Viva La Différence: Men Vs.Women
March 24, 2013

Hey Ladies! There is  a Difference between Men vs. Women  in communication and we are going to talk about it on this show. How we communicate with each other plays a major role in the relationship. So brace yourself for the blow. We are also bless to h

To Love or not to Love thyself
March 17, 2013

  Loving yourself is one of the most fundamental parts of becoming a confident person, and that plays a huge role in your interactions, both with the world and with yourself. It is part intuition, part following your gut feel to be kind to yourself, a

A Friend is One who has the Same Enemies as you have.
March 10, 2013

A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have. Ok Ladies,  do you agree with this quote. We will be talking about the definition of a true friend and how a true friend is hard to find..   What is a true friend?   What is the definition of a tru

Why Did I get Married..... For Real!
February 09, 2013

What is the purpose of Marriage?  Do we need marriage now in the society  we live in? Why Cant we just live together, with the divorce rate reaching unforeseen levels, is it really necessary for the heart break.?  Why Should I get Marri

My Mind is Playin Tricks on Me:Dealing with Mental Health
January 20, 2013

what is mental health? While there is no official definition of mental or emotional health, these terms generally refer to our thoughts, feelings and actions, particularly when faced with life's challenges and stressors. Throughout our lives, mental heal

Guns don't Kill People;People Kill People: Gun Control
January 06, 2013

Hey Ladies, Protect yourself or not.  The Right to bare Arms. We will be talking about the 2ND Amendment rights and how do we women stand  in protecting ourself and our families. As of 2009, the United States has a population of 307 million people.Base

"Don't Put Your Hands on Me"Women against Domestic Violence
December 09, 2012

Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt   Some of the most horrific cases of domestic violence against women often start off most innocently: he doesn’t want her to go to the club; he tells her what to w

Significance of Mortality: Our Days on Earth
November 25, 2012

 Ladies, We are going to have some deep discussion this week.  You don't want to miss this show.  We will talk about what is the significance of our existence?We will die and all our accomplishments will die with us. So what will you leave behind as y

The "Other Woman" Story Revealed
November 11, 2012

Hello ladies, We all have an image of the "other woman" in our heads: the calculating predator who moves in on happily married men. The first thing married women say is "she knew he was married." But for the most part women think, the idea of borrowing o

Some things to know about Marriage before you have a Wedding - Oct 07,2012
October 06, 2012

We are truly grateful to have the author Dr. Shigg on our show. With 30 years of being married to the same woman, Dr Shigg as taken his wisdom and written a book called Some things to know about Marriage before you have a Wedding. We will answer many of