Flowdreaming: Still Kinda Woo Woo

Flowdreaming: Still Kinda Woo Woo

Latest Episodes

711: Lovebombs — An Update
September 12, 2023

Nothing but good stuff fills your ears in this show. You are amazing, cute, lucky, talented, smart, handsome, healthy, fit, loving, creative, committed, and all-around wonderful. Soak in the complimen

BONUS: How to Use Flowdreaming to Completely Remodel Your Life
September 07, 2023

Jessica Ballenger is one of my oldest friends. Shes also been Flowdreaming for at least fifteen years. I was curious what the long-term effects have been for her, and how our practices are the same o

710: Everyday Is My Birthday
September 05, 2023

You know that special feeling of your birthday? Its your day, all about you, and everyone celebrates that you are in existence. What if you carried that feeling every day, not just one day a year? Wh

709: Overachievers! What to Do When You Feel Burned Out at the Top
August 29, 2023

Youve had some success. Maybe a lot of Success. But boy are you tired. Burned out, hating your work. Or, maybe youve been grinding for so long, but still feel youve only almost made it. Youre di

708: Manifesting Away from "Survival Mode" (Throwback!)
August 22, 2023

Back in 2007, one of my episodes was called, Manifesting Away from Survival Mode. Episode 91 to be precise. And I thought it was time, 16 years later, to tackle this idea again. Were looking at the

707: Here Are A Few Amazing Things About Yourself You May Have Forgotten (Or Never Been Told)
August 16, 2023

If youve felt plunged in lack-thinking or worry lately, then todays episode will be a gorgeous counterpoint that will help you u-turn back into joy, hope, expectation, and feeling like a kid on your

BONUS: Joy Is Not a State of Mind—It’s a State of Being with Lisa McCourt
August 14, 2023

Two things come to mind when we think about the word joy One, Christmas carols or menorahs, and two, a nice feeling that also usually feels fleeting and usually unattainablelike a bird that will fl

BONUS EPISODE: Your Dreams Are Telling You Something with Anne Vivian
August 04, 2023

Picture a tree. The roots are your foundation, the trunk is your strength and present moment, and the branches are your connection to your greater selfyour spirit. How do these all communicate? Were

706: 3 Ways to Ruthlessly Protect Your Energy From Information Overload
August 01, 2023

Ever felt overwhelmed? Of course you have. But overwhelmed by what? You might think its by having too many people, situations, or stress in your life. But heres something you may not have thought of

705: Not Every Hobby Needs to Be a Hustle
July 25, 2023

Maybe its happened to you: That thing you love? Your hobby, your passion? Maybe it was writing, or coaching. You tried to make money off it. You tried to transition it into a side-gig, or your main g