Flourish at Home

Flourish at Home

Why Should We Read? 12 Benefits of Reading – FAH 23

November 17, 2015
12 Benefits of Reading

12 Benefits of Reading

Why should we read? You probably already know some of the benefits, such as education and entertainment, but there are many more.

This is part 1 of a series on why, what, how, and when to read and why and how to build a home library. Why am I doing a series about reading on the “Flourish At Home” show? Because reading is an important part of a flourishing life! Education is one of my 7 FREEDOM tools that we discussed in episode 15, and reading is a great way to take care of yourself by destressing and relaxing.

So let’s dive in to 12 of the most important benefits of reading—for both children and adults!

Benefits of Reading
  1. Changes your life by building wisdom and growing your character.
  2. Helps you learn facts and builds your personal storehouse of knowledge.
  3. Develops and preserves your mind and your memory and helps prevent or slow the progress of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.
  4. Improves your focus and concentration in a world that normally scatters your attention in a million different directions.
  5. Builds your vocabulary and improves your grammar skills—almost by osmosis!
  6. Helps you become a better writer.
  7. Inspires creativity and expands your imagination.
  8. Helps you learn by example—both positive and negative examples.
  9. Helps you develop empathy and understand real people’s feelings better.
  10. Lets you travel to new places—both real and imaginary.
  11. Reduces stress and promotes relaxation.
  12. Provides a relatively inexpensive source of entertainment. Put simply, reading is a pleasure.

What are YOUR favorite reasons to read? Be sure to leave a comment!

Visit my blog for booklovers, Eclectic Bibliophile, and sign up for a free report with my favorite books about choosing good books and my top ten recommendations for books about homeschooling. That will also put you on the list to be the first to find out about my new e-book about books, coming soon.

And if you wish you had more time to read, you’ll find encouragement and practical tips for time management in my book, Flourish.

Stay tuned for our next episode, when we’ll discuss WHAT to read.

The post Why Should We Read? 12 Benefits of Reading – FAH 23 appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.