Daily Solutions Podcast

Daily Solutions Podcast

Post Pandemic Changes – OSP 13

July 22, 2021


Something in the world of floating have you stumped?




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Show Highlights

Well, it's been over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic and we know what you've been thinking: What have those Float On boys been up to? Well worry not! Graham and Ashkahn share all the big changes happening with restrictions lifting and life returning to a semblance of normalcy. If you've been following our shop operations at all, some of these changes might surprise you.

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Transcription of this episode... (in case you prefer reading)

​Graham: Okay. Back again.
Ashkahn: Back at it. Back with it, back on track.
Graham: And back for you, back for you.
Ashkahn: Let's put on some Burt Bacharach.
Graham: All right. We have some stuff to talk about. Turns out who knew there was a global pandemic going on. A bunch of us just had to change every single way about how we operated our entire business. And in some areas, things are lightening it up, back at it getting back more towards normal-ish operations.
Ashkahn: Yeah. We just had here in Oregon, June 30th was the no more stuff date. Official no more stuff day.
Graham: So that's it. Now there's no cases of COVID anymore here and we're all good to go. Yeah, everything's perfect.
Ashkahn: I've just been licking almost any surface I can come.
Graham: Yeah. As a result though of all of this, we're now rolling back a lot of those changes that we made, right? We're not making people sit in their car anymore before they actually come into the shop. We are not actually taking people's temperature when they walk in. We're not making them answer a quick survey of all of the questions that we were asking everyone.
Ashkahn: Perhaps many of you have not been doing this for awhile, but that's the Oregon rules going until very recently.
Graham: We had to do it and it's nice. Part of the cool thing is having gone through this now, it actually feels like just running a regular float center, which we've always over the years drilled in, is not the easiest thing in the world, now actually feels a little easier.